Electrifying progress!

Hey everyone! I’m thrilled to share the latest news the Satoffee project. It’s been an electrifying journey, and this week, I’m taking a significant leap forward.

Satoffee is evolving now powered directly by the coffee machine: no more USB cables! I’m diving into some hands-on testing with Schottky diodes to ensure our power source is fully protected. It’s crucial for maintaining the efficiency and safety of the setup, and I’m committed to getting this right.

What’s brewing? 🍵

The vision behind Satoffee has always been about more than just coffee. It’s about integrating the speed and innovation of Bitcoin into our daily lives in a tangible, enjoyable way.

Looking ahead:

With your support and encouragement, I’m moving full steam ahead towards the next milestones. These include finalizing a custom PCB design for Bosch Tassimo machines, launching an offline version of the Satoffee firmware, and getting the website ready for pre-orders.

It’s not just about brewing coffee; it’s about starting a revolution, one cup at a time. ☕️⚡️

Thank you all for your incredible support. I’m eager to share more updates as I progress. Let’s keep the Bitcoin spirit alive with every sip of the Satoffee Lightning Coffee!

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